Tuesday, April 21, 2009

InnoSAT Antenna Rotator Replacement

ATSB GS team member recently successfully installed the InnoSAT Antenna Tower last 2 week. But today we climb up again the InnoSAT tower (6 meter!!) after several testing done by Nuril (9W2NRL) and Shahril last week. They found problem on elevation rotator. Elevation rotator can't move even a degree movement.This elevation rotator is important which usefull to elevate antennas, especially during the InnoSAT high pass over ATSB ground station. We (Mike , Nuril Shahril and Shamsul) decide to disassemble the antenna structure to bring down the unfunctional rotator and replace with new rotator which collected from Mr Sangat Singh (9M2SS @ 9M2RPN). Thanks to Mr Sangat for his kind help. We really appreciated it. This mission (disasseble>bring down rotator) takes around 1H30m. We successfully reinstalled with new rotator at 6.30pm. Summary during the mission was tabulated in picture as follow. Thanks All..

Our tomorrow mission is to installed 2 Yagi antenna (VHF and UHF) back to its position..

Short Discussion with Nuril, Shamsul and Abdul Malik Yacob.

Abdul Malik Yacob and Shahril.

Abdul Malik Yacob and Nuril on the 6m tower. Gayat!!

Shamsul : Posing!
Malik and Nuril : Oh Yeah!!

06:30 PM - InnoSAT Tower naked..

Friday, April 17, 2009

ATSB Ground Station Readiness

ATSB Ground Station Readiness prior to CubeSAT and InnoSAT launch. Two VHF and UHF antenna was succesfully setup by ATBS GS team ; Shahril, Mike lead by Nuril with consultation from Shamsul, on the rooftop of ATSB HQ in Shah Alam. Have a look our final preparation for launch campaign..

1) CubeSAT (back) and InnoSAT (front) antenna Tower on
rooftop of ATSB HQ.

2) Excellent futuristic tower design from Mr Izzed (our Mechanical Engineer)
and Hassan (our Technical Advisor)

3) View from lower Antenna Tower part.

4) We are ready CubeSAT and InnoSAT!!

5) 6m height is our challenge during installation phase.

6) Twin Antenna Tower ATSB GS

7) Best Of The Best..Beside dish antenna..

Please vote for the best picture.TQ

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tracking PRISM, STAR and KKS-1 satellite

hi guys...this will be the 1st entry of the ATSB Ground Station...on the 5th Febuary 2009 me (shahril@burt), nuril and Malik try to contact satellite PRISM, STAR and KKS-1..

let me introduce you about this mission... on 12:54 p.m. on January 23, 2009, (Japan Standard Time, JST) japan has succefully launch the IBUKI satellite by using H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 15...with the IBUKI satellite there is 7 other baby satellite such as KAGAYAKI, STARS, KKS-1, PRISM, SOHLA-1, SPRITE-SAT and SDS-1 for more detail please visit this link IBUKI

let So on 5th Febuary 2008 we had try to contact the STARS, KKS-1 and PRISM satellite with the 9W2MCS unfortunatelly we fail to record the sound of the satellites beacon. below is the frequency and the TLE of the satellites.


Call sign - JQ1YYY

437.385MHz CW

437.445MHz AFSK

1 33499U 09002H 09027.08712464 .00000396 00000-0 73093-4 0 130
2 33499 98.0311 138.7219 0011316 56.8569 303.3695 14.70656065 564


Call sign - JR5YBN (Mother)
437.305 CW

437.485 FM/AFSK

Call sign - JR5YBO (Daughter)
437.275 CW

437.465 FM/AFSK

1 33498U 09002G 09023.41301786 -.00000050 00000-0 00000+0 0 11
2 33498 098.0345 135.1171 0016472 044.9681 315.2857 14.72048578 28

Call sign - JQ1YZW

437.250 CW
437.425 FM/AFSK

1 33493U 09002B 09023.47920182 .02469603 00000-0 28507+0 0 48
2 33493 098.0598 135.1735 0055448 332.9818 026.6286 14.80682294 57

By using Wxtrack software and we update the TLE of the
satellite we can know the time the satellite pass over
Malaysia on 5 Febuary 2009. On that day we tracking
PRISM on 13:11:25 (local time) till 1:17:10 duration
6 mins, STARS 13:30:33 till 13:38:50 duration 9 mins
and KKS-1 13:38:02 till 13:46:43 duration 9 mins

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

ATSB Ground Station

Welcome to Astronautic Technology (M) Sdn Bhd Ground Station (ATSBGS) website. ATSB Ground Station means all facilities in order to communicate with ATSB and others satellite in space. The major role of the ATSB ground station is to keep link the communication with ATSB satellite in space which is CubeSAT and InnoSAT. This website will introduce the facilities and the software of ATSB Ground Station.
